Support Us
Help us teach essential car skills and expand trades for a brighter community future.
Parts and supplies
Safety boots Qty:17- each $63.00 Walmart
Safety glasses Qty:30- each $10.00 harbor freight
T-shirts Qty:100 each $5.00 Rlm Clothing
Uniform pants. Qty:50 each $22.00 super flea as of this draft
Burn gloves Qty:5. Each
Bump caps. Qty:15 each
Tools list
Hydraulic press $1499.00
Ball joint press $150.00 x 2. $300.00
Transmission jack $199.00 x2. $400.00
Tie rod tool $80.00 x2. $160
Shop vac $150.00
Jacks. Qty:5. Sum $700.00 Home Depot
Jack Stands Qty :10. Sum $800.00 Uline
Wheel chock Qty: 10 harbor freight $12.00 each. $120.00
Oil drain pans Qty :2tall 2short harbor freight $57.99 for tall $15.00 for short. $146.00
Master tool box with tools Qty :1 ( $2,149tools set)( $898 tool box) Home Depot
Students toolbox carry along qty :17 $99.99 Home Depot or Lowes. $1700.00
Shop lights harbor freight
Desk amazon
Work tables can built . Metal buy the foot kc
recycler for oil $3,999.99 northern tools
Trash bins
Power washer $350.00 Lowes
Filter wrenches 15
Scanner $6195.00 maxisys ultra EV
$2,089.00 Maxisys Elite II pro
Laptop Computer, hp $119.99 x 5 Best Buy
Apple $649.99 x2 Best Buy
Laser printer, $450.00 Best Buy
Tv Monitor $397 .00
Car lifts 10000 lbs 2 x $3,699.95
9000 lbs 2 x $2,749.95
Tire machine
Up to 28 inch tires $4099.99 (MechMaxx
balance machine
Folk lift
Storage shelfs Home Depot
Storage shed
Welder $2,385.00
Grinders $39.99.00 x 5 —41/2in) ($89.99.00 x5 —15 in) harbor freight
Alignment machine $5,490.00
Ac machine $3,799.99
Cutting torches $646.08 Grainger
All data 2yrs $3,639.60
Car port $4,395.00 storage garage building.
Chairs $11.99ea $239.00 Ikea
This an estimate of everything purchase new.

This corporation is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for charitable purposes.
GOCAF's objectives are as follows:
GOCAF is a youth and young adult employment-focused organization that aims to equip young individuals
with the necessary skills to gain and retain meaningful employment in the auto and auto mechanics industry.
Our program focuses on training youth and young adults in employment seeking and retention skills, as well
as connecting businesses with qualified youth workers.
